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FAQs About Holy Fire Reiki

by Robin Fuerst, with thanks to William Rand, Laurelle Gaia and Jessica Miller

What is Usui / Holy Fire Reiki?
Usui / Holy Fire Reiki is a new form of Reiki introduced by William Rand of the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) in 2014. The energy is more refined than Usui Reiki and adds further refinement to even Karuna Reiki. It comes from a very high level of spiritual consciousness (Source, Spirit, the Highest Heaven).

Explain the word “holy” and its meaning in Holy Fire Reiki?
The use of the word holy in the name Holy Fire is not religious in meaning. The word holy has as its root meaning to be whole and complete and this is how it is used in Holy Fire. Therefore, Holy Fire is a Holy fire flamespiritual energy that creates wholeness through purification, healing, empowerment and guidance.  My experience of the Holy Fire is that it strengthens the connection between the individual and the Divine Source, by whatever name(s) you know and love.

Is Holy Fire Reiki a religion?
No. Like Usui / Tibetan Reiki there is NO dogma or beliefs to adhere to and people of all religious traditions and viewpoints are welcome. Holy Fire Reiki is a spiritual healing energy that is holistic in nature. The use of the word holy in the name Holy Fire  has as its root meaning, to be whole and complete or healed and this is how it is used in Holy Fire.

What is the Lineage of Usui Holy Fire Reiki?
The original Usui Reiki symbols, and their Rei-ju or connection (initiation, or attunement or placement or ignitions) are very much a part of Usui Holy Fire Reiki. Therefore the lineage remains with Usui Sensei. This is one of several “evolutions” in the history of Reiki.

Holy Fire Reiki itself has no lineage – it’s directly from Source, the Divine or the Universe. This enhances the power of this addition to Usui and Karuna® Reiki since the connection is not diluted by having to go through the teacher first, before reaching the student like in the attunement process. In some ways we have come full circle and are receiving the energy in a similar manner to Usui’s first experience on Mount Kurama.

Why should I consider shifting to Usui / Holy Fire &/or Karuna Holy Fire Reiki?
The energy is noticeably refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness than any energy we have encountered before. It is also very effective, with the following being commonly reported:
Hands holding flaming lotus• Works continuously even when not thinking about it and spontaneously heals issues as they come up.
• Always respects free will.
• Heals deeply and quickly without distress.
• Heals relationships and interactions with others.
• Releases worry and replaces it with a sense of safety in a most pronounced way.
• Spontaneously provides guidance that is palatable for every level of life experience.
• Tends to develop healthy personality traits such as love of self and others, kindness, patience, confidence, vitality, enthusiasm, optimism, trust, joy, peace and so forth.
• One of the more wonderful effects is a feeling of being loved. This is a deep and refined feeling that is very nurturing.
• Once received, Holy Fire energy continues to evolve in its effectiveness within you.

Are Usui /Holy Fire Reiki I & II classes different from Usui / Tibetan Reiki the ICRT taught?
From the Reiki I & II student’s perspective little changes, other than an addition meditation like healing experiences.  Students taking the Usui / Holy Fire class seem to have an easier time perceiving and using the Reiki energy.  Current practitioners repeating the class report a greater sense of energy flow and spiritual fulfillment.  The placement method uses the Holy Fire energy, but the three level II symbols remain the same.

As an Usui Reiki Master, can I receive the Holy Fire ignitions without attending class?
No. The Reiki Holy Fire training is done over a period of three days in either the ART/Master or the Karuna Reiki® Master training. This is a necessary time period, even for those Kanji for Reikiwho are already Usui or Karuna Reiki® Masters. There are several reasons for this. First of all, four ignitions are used with Holy Fire rather than two attunements. Initially with Holy Fire and Holy Fire II there is the time period necessary after the pre-ignition on the first day of class in order for the purification process to take place prior to the first ignition that occurs on the second day of class. This is a minimum of 24 hours.

With Holy Fire III, the number of ignitions that take place in the Master classes has increased from the number of attunements that were done with the Tibetan symbols. There are now three Holy Fire ignitions and the Healing Fire ignition, plus three beautiful Holy Love meditations, which must be spread out over the additional 2 days. In addition, the Holy Fire training creates a significant shift in the student’s energy in which restrictive patterns are replaced with Holy Fire. With Holy Fire III there are additional shifts to reveal more of the Reiki master’s authentic self. These shift take time and also need to be done in a supportive environment in the presence of the teacher and other students.

Are the Tibetan symbols used in Holy Fire Reiki?
The Holy Fire energy helps you grow beyond the qualities of the Tibetan symbols, as it stands alone with the original Usui symbols. So you continue to use the power, mental/emotional, distance and Usui Master symbols. When one who is previously attuned to the Tibetan symbols accepts Holy Fire training, the Tibetan symbols are “retired” because they have helped you grow as much as they can in your practice of Reiki. Holy Fire accomplishes all that the Tibetan symbols did and expands your practice of Reiki with its high frequency of very refined energy.

Why were we guided to work with the Tibetan symbols for so long, and they are now not part of Holy Fire Reiki?
“There are many levels of free will. The Tibetan symbols are appropriate at certain phases along the path of one’s soul progression. The energy brought forth through working with them has/is teaching humanity much. They have also brought forth great growth. Humanity is at a place now where new levels of free will open as you mature to new levels of Divine consciousness. As this growth is happening, more of the Divine Plan is being revealed and unfolding.

There has been a guarding of this newly revealed level of free will. The guarding has been to insure right use of free will. A deeper understanding  of the power of free has been and is being achieved and was Reiki is a powerful way to access this Universal God-consciousness energy.necessary prior to this new opening. There are other levels of free will that have yet to open. The Tibetan symbols have been helpful in this guarding process.” ~ Laurelle Gaia

“The Tibetan symbols came out of a search for better healing methods.  They seem like a stepping stone to the third heaven.  And at the same time, we had to heal to the point we could accept Holy Fire and be able to set up the system to share it with others.”
~ William Rand

Experience has found the new Holy Fire symbol has a far more powerful and higher vibrational energy than the Tibetan symbols it replaces – it has their deepening effect on the Rei-ju (placement or old attunement) process in Reiki I & II and ART, as well as it’s own additional attributes.

I am already an Usui Reiki Master, do I have to take Usui Holy Fire Reiki I & II in order to attend an Usui Holy Fire Reiki Master, or Holy Fire Karuna Reiki class?
No, you do not need to repeat Reiki I & II as long as you were previously attuned to the traditional Usui Reiki symbols in level II.

What level of Holy Fire Reiki training do I need to take so I can teach all levels?
Students who are trained as an Usui / Holy Fire III Reiki Master Teacher will be qualified to teach:
• Usui Holy Fire III – Reiki I & II classes
• Usui Holy Fire III – Reiki Master Teacher classes
Students who are trained as a Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master Teacher are qualified to teach:
• Usui Holy Fire III- Reiki I & II classes
• Usui Holy Fire III – Reiki Master Teacher classes
• Holy Fire III – Karuna® Reiki Master Teacher classes
NOTE: The pre-requisite for attending Holy Fire III – Karuna® Reiki Master Teacher training is 6 to 12 months experience as and Usui Reiki Master Teacher, or prior training as a Karuna Reiki Master Teacher (pre-Holy Fire training)

What about those of us who don’t have Holy Fire Reiki yet and those who choose to stay with the Tibetan symbols; what are we do to?
We encourage you to follow your inner guidance and do what you feel is right for you to do. The ICRT will continue to make the ART/Master manual with the Tibetan symbols and violet breath attunement process available for sale as long as people want to teach it.  Also, to clarify the situation,  the Tibetan symbols and violet breath will continue to work just as they always have for those who do not take Holy Fire Reiki.

Are Reiki guides part of Holy Fire Reiki?
The Holy Fire itself provides guidance. The purpose of spirit guides is to guide us to Source. Holy Fire is the direct connection to Source. You may find that guides from the third heaven or higher (dwelling places of Source or Spirit) may still bring you intuitive messages, as they are messengers of the Holy fire. If you are already working with with guides that are compatible with holy fire, you will still find them helpful. As in all phases of our spiritual journey, guides come and go as we heal and grow.

When are your next Holy Fire classes scheduled?
I have Holy Fire III Reiki classes scheduled every month. This link will lead you to the classes page of my website where you can select class type, and from there review all the currently scheduled classes. Other ICRT Licensed Professional Holy Fire Reiki Master Teachers are listed on website.

It sounds like the Violet Flame. How is it different from that sacred transmuting holy fire….just wondering?
“People have so many different relationships, and interpretations of healing flames, I hesitate to answer your question directly, because I am not aware of how you experience Purple lotusthe Violet Flame, or the sacred transmuting holy fire. What I can say is that I am experiencing Holy Fire Reiki on a much more personal level, and my healing issues are shifting and clearing so rapidly I can barely recall why they were ever issues in the first place. The responses from students and clients are thrilling, in that people are being moved so deeply so quickly.” ~ Laurelle Gaia

“Holy Fire is demonstrating so many more  qualities and benefits and is more refined and coming from a higher level of consciousness than any other healing energy we have experienced.  And in addition, it continues to develop and appears to have a tremendous potential to become ever more helpful and beneficial.” ~ William Rand

With this new energy being used in Usui /Holy Fire Reiki & Holy Fire Karuna Reiki are there new symbols that come with this training? Additionally who was involved in the development of this system and what is the story behind it’s development? I have noticed that many of the changes that the planet it’s self are going through do involve fire its interesting to see that Reiki its self is using that medium.

Thank you for your interest and questions about Holy Fire Reiki. Yes there is one new symbol to replace the “retiring” of the Tibetan symbols. Indeed there are many changes taking place on the planet as we shift in consciousness closer and closer to the awakening of the age of peace. Just as Karuna Reiki came on the scene in 1995 and new frequencies were introduced to help us learn, heal and grew along our spiritual path, Holy Fire is arising now. I find it interesting that similar energies relating to sacred flames, are cropping up in frameworks other than Reiki just as Holy Fire Reiki is coming to us too. The time is obviously right.

So to answer who is involved in the development of Holy Fire Reiki, some in the ICRT had inklings of its energy for a year or more but it hadn’t expressed itself clearly enough to know how to use it.  11855616_1183103091706575_2954334752385962034_nThen in January, 2014, William Rand had a session with a spiritual advisor he had been seeing for 19 years. Several of the other ICRT teachers had also been seeing this woman.  In this session he was told he would be teaching a new energy in the class he was to teach the next day.  He was given the name of the energy, how to draw the symbol and an ignition for it. Then over the course of the class he had additional sessions prior to class in which it was further explained how to teach Holy Fire Reiki.  Jessica Miller, one of our ICRT teachers was in this class. William also shared information about Holy Fire Reiki with Laurelle Shanti Gaia, Colleen Benelli and Karen Harrison each of who also received the instructions on how to teach. Before announcing it to the Reiki community, it was taught to 250 students and found that the benefits remained consistent for all who took the class.

Over time, additional instructions from the same Source have been received to further develop the system. To be more specific, the energy of Holy Fire Reiki and the instructions on how to teach it come from the Holy Spirit.  With this in mind, it’s important to understand that there is no religious connection implied by this. However, what it does is create a direct connection to Source that is free of dogma or required beliefs or the need follow a leader. As of fall 2015, over 2000 Holy Fire Reiki Masters have been trained.

Why am I hearing about Holy Fire II and now Holy Fire III?

Holy Fire is an energy that is continually upgrading or empowering itself, as well as doing healing work with each of us who practice and teach. The energy originally empowered Usui and Karuna® Reiki, especially at the master levels in 2014 with a shift to ignitions.  In 2016, Holy Fire empowered the Usui I & II and Advanced Reiki Technique levels with an upgrade to placements. Most recently in 2018 Holy Fire has shifted again, helping Reiki masters uncover more and more of their authentic selves for personal and planetary healing.

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